CL of Falkirk

Posted on
June 5, 2015

Dear Heather, what you did for me changed my life forever. I′ve found a different me. I′m stronger, fitter and healthier physically and mentally. I have drive and determination I didn’t know I would have. Since meeting you I have lost 7 stones in weight. 7 stones! I have battled with my weight for 20 years and the fight between me and food is over. Food tastes better now. I eat a very healthy diet. I have never gone hungry. I know that people see a change in me, and from our very first appointment my mindset about food changed. I no longer waste food inside my body that my body didn′t need. I went on an aeroplane in December and didn′t need a seat belt extension! And used the table for the first time! I′m horse riding again. I never thought THAT would happen! I can go on all the rides at the fun fair! I′ve booked a sky dive! I′m going to do a shark dive at Deep Sea World too I hope – and all of these things were impossible dreams before. My life motto now is “go hard or go home”, I′m taking life by the hand and giving it PROPER GUTS. I am NO LONGER A BYSTANDER. Thank you Heather, for everything.