What is Hypnotherapy?

It may surprise you to learn that we all experience trance states naturally several times each day during our normal daily lives. Just losing yourself in a good book or drifting into normal sleep both involve a kind of trance state. As a trained hypnotherapist, Heather will gently guide you to achieve a trance state which can then be used to make deep and long lasting changes to your thoughts, feelings and behaviour.

Hypnotherapy is very different to the hypnosis that you may have seen on the TV or on stage, where the Hypnotist commands the audience to obey their every command.  I can assure you that no-one can be hypnotised against their will and you will not lose control. You are likely to remember most, if not all, of what was said and while in trance you will remain aware of your surroundings.

Hypnosis is a natural and effective way of making contact with your unconscious self.  Heather believes that all people are individuals and will take the time with you to fully understand your difficulty and to agree with you a realistic outcome or required result before proceeding with any hypnotherapy. An initial session can take up to 90 minutes so please allow time for this, with future sessions lasting up to one hour. Initial sessions come with a free CD to keep and use at home.

For more information, please see our Frequently Asked Questions page, or feel free to call Heather to discuss your questions.

Call 07787 807 609 for an appointment or book online below:-

See Online Booking Page

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Heather is very good at what she does she is the first therapist that I feel so comfortable with, the place is so clean and a great environment to be in.

KM of Larbert Clinical Hypnotherapy on 6th July 2024 July 18, 2024

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Heather is helping my son with a few issues. Heather is friendly and really makes ma and my son feel comfortable. Heather has the patience of a saint as my son lacks concentration skills.

DM of Grangemouth Clinical Hypnotherapy on 4th July 2024 July 18, 2024

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Heather was lovley I felt very welcomed

KM of Stenhousemuir Clinical Hypnotherapy on 31st May 2024 June 25, 2024

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This was my first experience of Hypnotherapy, so slightly nervous of what to expect.
I needn't have worried or been concerned, as Heather was a genuinely lovely individual who put me at my ease.
Heather was a patient, empathic and friendly practitioner throughout the whole experience

FB of Cumbernauld Clinical Hypnotherapy on 17th May 2024 June 25, 2024

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Very professional and made feel at ease

AJ of Harthill Clinical Hypnotherapy on 9th May 2024 June 25, 2024

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I would personally  recommend hypnotherapy. The service is tailored to you.
My future is really positive thanks to Heather.

ER of Dennyloanhead Clinical Hypnotherapy on 25th April 2024 June 25, 2024

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I had my first session with hmh yesterday. Was made to feel at ease very quickly and feel very confident that they can resolve the issues that have affected me for a number of years now. Looking forward to my next appointment. Regards andrew

AK of Harthill Clinical Hypnotherapy on 19th April 2024 June 25, 2024

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Very satisfied with the therapy. Made me feel safe and in control of it all. Really feel it is helping.

CI of Falkirk Clinical Hypnotherapy on 22nd March 2024 June 25, 2024

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Great,Heather has helped me to stop teeth grinding in my sleep.Tried everything to stop with no success,but hypnotherapy has helped.

HS of Kincardine Clinical Hypnotherapy on 21st of March 2024 June 25, 2024

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Heather was very welcoming.
Following my first session I had my first full night's sleep.

ER of Dennyloanhead Clinical Hypnotherapy on 14th March 2024 June 25, 2024

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Felt very comfortable from the start.Heather is a very kind and understanding person.

HS of Kincardine Clinical Hypnotherapy on 16th February 2024 June 25, 2024

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First visit and was somewhat tentative. However I was made to feel welcome on entry and relaxed when session started.

SB of Falkirk Clinical Hypnotherapy on 19th January 2024 June 25, 2024

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I wasn't sure what to expect however, after one session I felt the benefit. I was made to feel relaxed, not judged and I am looking forward to continuing my sessions.

HF of Glasgow Clinical Hypnotherapy on 18th November 2023 June 19, 2024

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Would highly recommend, first time I have experienced hypnotherapy found this a great experience, I found a difference just from my first session, very welcoming, friendly and totally made to feel at ease x

AP of Carron Clinical Hypnotherapy on 27th October 2023 June 19, 2024

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I was very relaxed.  Next time though I'll remember to make myself more comfortable in my wheelchair.The discomfort came in spasms and I tended to lose concentration. The hypnotherapists voice was very comfortably pitched although I couldn't hear the background music

JMcC of Larbert Clinical Hypnotherapy on 23rd September 2023 June 19, 2024

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I look forward to working with Heather

JB of Blackburn Clinical Hypnotherapy on 1st August 2023 June 19, 2024

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Susan is an incredible lady and a wonderful hypnotherapist.  Cant thank her enough

KA of Grangemouth Clinical Hypnotherapy on 9th May 2023 June 18, 2024

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After a couple of sessions with Heather, my sleep has improved significantly. I continue to use the recording she made to help me get off to sleep. Many thanks, Heather!

VK of Stirling Clinical Hypnotherapy on 7th May 2023 June 18, 2024

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I really enjoyed my hypnotherapy session on Friday evening. I went deeper into hypnosis than I have before. I already feel like I'm more self aware and I have seen some of the benefits already.

LL of Alloa Clinical Hypnotherapy on 4th February 2023 June 17, 2024

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This was my first experience of hypnotherapy and it was a revelation!

IH of Falkirk Clinical Hypnotherapy 20th December 2022 June 17, 2024

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I mixed up my appointment time and was very embarrassed and extremely annoyed with myself but Heather quickly put me an ease. We chatted about me reasons for seeking her help, due to my late arrival and Heather having an appointment straight after me we were unable to progress further. I look forward to my next appointment which I fell very positive about and will make sure I arrive at the correct time!

IH of Falkirk Clinical Hypnotherapy 11th December 2022 June 17, 2024

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Totally  recommend Heather for hypnotherapy  sessions for anxiety

AD of Redding Clinical Hypnotherapy 22nd November 2022 June 17, 2024

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Very successful and stress free flight following my sessions with Heather. Many thanks

IMacD of Larbert Clinical Hypnotherapy 12th November 2022 June 17, 2024

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Was surprised how much it helped even from just the first session, would definitely recommend

HG of Shieldhill Clinical Hypnotherapy 5th November 2022 June 17, 2024

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Thoroughly recommend Heather and her company

AD of Redding Clinical Hypnotherapy 1st November 2022 June 17, 2024

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You are wonderful Heather. Thank you for being brilliant with our son.

JS of Armdale Paediatric Hypnotherapy on 6th September 2022 June 12, 2024

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I fully accept that I may not have properly followed the advice given by the therapist, for example is 'practising' the techniques taught to me, so some of the responsibility lies with myself. Anyway, after the last therapy session on 1st April I did let my 'practice' lapse, until recently when I was due to collect my son from Dundee University, crossing a 'problem' bridge just outside Perth en route. So I listened to the homework recording for 3 nights prior to my trip, and practiced the techniques taught to me (of visualising 'success' on a big screen and running the 'fear' scenario backwards on a small screen, flashing monochrome and colour with a 'cartoon' soundtrack, as well as the 'grounding' and 'anchor' techniques). However I became so stressed on my way to the bridge that I eventually pulled over and re-routed the sat nav around it so I didn't have to cross it. So - on the face of it - the fear response is even worse than when I started hypnotherapy, and right now although I accept some responsibility for this result, I am also having doubts over things like - 'If I really ever did go in to trance', or simply 'if hypnotherapy is really something that can help me with my issue'. Maybe I just need to go back to basics and practice the techniques taught to me. One comment - Susan seemed quite convinced that the 'fear / stress scores' I gave after therapy were indicative of a great improvement (having been much lower than my initial scores), but I never did quite escape the feeling that this wasn't comparing like with like and thus maybe wasn't a valid comparison :- The initial scores were my description of my stress levels when actually driving over a bridge, and the second set of scores were given when thinking about driving over a bridge when in your office. These remain to me quite different assessments and I have doubt whether they truly indicate any progress in stress levels when actually driving over a bridge. I did experience some moderate reduction in stress when driving over a 'moderately scary' bridge near my home, but having said that I did report anxiety on approach to the bridge still. In regard the bigger bridges (like the one just outside Perth), as per my recent experience my stress levels, at least on approach to the bridge, seem to be higher than before. So I am sorry not to report an 'unqualified success' but I am being honest in my experience of how hypotherpay has (or hasn't) helped me. Again - I accept that I bear some responsibility for this lack of success. regards,

RP of Larbert Clinical Hypnotherapy on 17th May 2022 June 12, 2024

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I wasn't sure at first as didn't understand how it worked. But after going and meeting Susan (who is lovely) and explained everything to me I thought why not?  It's the best thing I've done. Am on my way to loosing nearly 1 1/2 stone since March. I find it a lot easier than other ways I've tried. I would recommend

CG of Govan Weight Management on 12th May 2022 June 12, 2024

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Amazing, very understanding & informative

AD of Polmont Clinical Hypnotherapy on 12th April 2022 June 12, 2024

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As it was my first time. I gave you a 4 but once I start losing weight I will up it to 5. But I feel really confident. And I already have family and friends waiting to see how I get on so they can do it.

CG of Alloa Weight Management on 24th February 2022 June 12, 2024

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Really enjoyable experience, totally felt at ease and in charge of my own weight loss

KS of Dunfermline Weight Management on 20th February 2022 June 12, 2024

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It has been a week since my appointment I have not had nor wanted a cigarette since my appointment I have been a smoker for 43 years I am now proud to say thanks to your help I am a non smoker the mp3 definitely helps thankyou so much and keep up the good work xx

SF of Falkirk Stop Smoking on 26th January 2022 June 12, 2024

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It was so good and nice and relaxing and not what I was expecting

GF of Linlithgow Clinical Hypnotherapy on 16th January 2022 June 12, 2024

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Made very welcome and put at ease.  A very calm, comfortable atmosphere.

MD of Grangemouth Weight Management on 7th January 2022 June 12, 2024

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I had tried to give up smoking may times in the past and had been successful for short periods of time.  What I had always struggled with was starting again in times of stress or upset.  A friend suggested that I try hypnosis so I contacted HMH Therapy.  Right from the start of my session I was made to feel welcome and was taken into a comfortable room.  I was able to explain to Heather the reasons why I wanted to stop smoking and the trigger that had always caused me to start again.  Heather told me exactly what hypnosis was and what would occur during the sessions and I was put into a deeply relaxed state.  I was well aware of everything that was going on and did not feel frightened of anxious at any time.  20months on and I am still a non smoker and I am confident that I will never smoke again.

I thoroughly recommend Heather at HMH Therapy and have recommended friends who have also successfully stopped smoking.  My advice to anyone that is considering stopping is that hypnosis definitely does work but you have to really want to stop as it is not a quick fix on its own.  I made my money back in only a few weeks so in addition to feeling so much better I am richer too.

JW of Falkirk Smoking Cessation on 18th July 2023 March 14, 2024

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Having been a regular smoker for over 15 years with several failed attempts to stop smoking I thought I would try hypnotherapy.  The results were instant and I a still a non smoker 7 months later.  I am not tempted and do not miss smoking and I cannot believe how easy it has been.

CD of Alloa Stop Smoking on 8th July 2023 March 14, 2024

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I went to see Heather for anxiety and panic attacks which focused around health issues.  I have had more than my share of illness in my loved ones which had left me with a constant sense of fear about becoming ill myself, it was a really hasty mixture of hypochondria and depression.  The change happened after my first session and my friends and family noticed straight away.  After 4 sessions with Heather, I am now a calm, rational person again and I feel so much better.  I no longer wake up feeling anxious and can cope with my whole life in a more calm and confident way.

After years of feeling like the anxiety was running my life I now have it under control and I am loving how I feel.  I have never tried hypnotherapy before but can't recommend it enough.

AMc of Falkirk Clinical Hypnotherapy on 18th May 2023 March 14, 2024

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I went to see Heather for a fear of having a blood test.  I was sceptical at first but Heather made me feel very calm and explained the whole process to me.  I have conquered my fears with just 2 sessions.  If you have a fear, you need to speak to Heather, she may be able to help you like she has helped me.

BB of Bonnybridge Clinical Hypnotherapy on 5th April 2022 March 14, 2024

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Heather made me feel so relaxed and felt like she was really interested in wanting to help me. Can’t wait to see what magic she can weave to give me back my life!

AH or Falkirk Clinical Hypnotherapy on 30th March 2021 June 30, 2021

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First appointment with Heather went great. She managed to get my daughter to engage in something that would usually be a huge challenge for her. Heather's ability to put my daughter at ease, allowed her to carry out the essential work required. Highly Recommend!

CK of Bonnybridge Clinical Hypnotherapy on 20th October 2020 October 22, 2020

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Heather is amazing so friendly and makes you feel so at ease. Nothing is a problem and she is very approachable and is always there to give a helping hand. Thank you so much heather!x

LR f Falkirk Clinical Hypnotherapy on 20th October 2020 October 22, 2020

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Enjoyed my journey from start to finish. My self confidence has improved greatly giving me the confidence I needed to achieve my goal weight. Delighted with my first week weight loss of 4 lb. looking forward to my next appointment

JD of Armadale Clinical Hypnotherapy on 18th September 2020 October 22, 2020

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I would like to thank Heather for all her help with my son who is a completely different peason, more confident and less stressed along with the other stuff.

I just want to take time to say a big thank you for what you have done for W I see vast improvements and hopefully more in the future
Yesterday's session was absolutely brilliant listening to it and was wondering if you recorded it and would be possible to have a copy, he said he felt great after it and I was thinking of all you said in the Hypno session if he could listen to that recording even the night before a game It would help him so much
anyway once again Heather thank you very much
Kind regards

RC of Montrose Paediatric Hypnotherapy on 25th July 2020 October 22, 2020

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Heather's approach was very friendly but professional & was able to obtain all the information she needed in an informal way

FT of Airdrie Clinical Hypnotherapy on 24th July 2020 October 22, 2020

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Had first Zoom meeting with heather for my son and very impressed with the whole process so far booked another appointment for My son to have next week

RC of Montrose Paediatric Hypnotherapy on 13th June 2020 June 18, 2020

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Very comfortable and reassuringly professional

WB of Kincardine Clinical Hypnotherapy on 28th May 2020 June 18, 2020

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I really enjoyed our first session and felt very comfortable with discussing the current issues I’m experiencing. I also feel reassured that you will be able to assist me to turn these around. I look forward to our next session. Many thanks Heather.

MB of Houston Clinical Hypnotherapy on 9th May 2020 June 18, 2020

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Found heather very understanding to my needs

WB of Kincardine Clinical Hypnotherapy on 5th May 2020 June 18, 2020

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Wonderful session. Having second one soon

AC of Brightons Clinical Hypnotherapy on 18th April 2020 June 18, 2020

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First session online, it went very well just felt like I was there in the room. At this very difficult time I will be continuing to use your service. Thank you Susan

MM of Falkirk Clinical Hypnotherapy on 4th April 2020 April 6, 2020

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Very satisfied with my therapy I'm receiving

CS of Plean Clinical Hypnotherapy on 14th March 2020 March 25, 2020

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Heather is amazing at what she does it’s my second session and helping already. Wonderful service x

PC of Letham Clinical Hypnotherapy on 10th March 2020 March 25, 2020

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I was a bit nervous at first but Heather was lovely and put me at ease straight away. She explained everything very clearly and i had a great session. I felt brilliant after it and cant wait to come back.

KN of Blackridge Clinical Hypnotherapy on 26th February 2020 February 27, 2020

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Susan made me feel very relaxed and at ease.
I have received 3 sessions and I cannot believe how muchbetter I feel. I have a different outlook at everything, I feel a different women.

MM of Dunfermline Clinical Hypnotherapy on 22nd February 2020 February 27, 2020

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Great experience heather has such a lovely nature seeing results already

BMcN of Cumbernauld Clinical Hypnothearpy on 18th February 2020 February 20, 2020

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Heather is really good and makes me feel relaxed and able to cope better

How satisfied were you with our service (out of 5): 5

How likely are you to recommend us to a friend (out of 5): 5

LF of Livingston Paediatric Hypnotherapy on 30th August 2019 January 27, 2020

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Heather is a very helpful and caring person who has helped both me and my son a lot.

How satisfied were you with our service (out of 5): 5

How likely are you to recommend us to a friend (out of 5): 5

JMcG of Livingston Paediatric Hypnotherapy on 26th July 2019 January 27, 2020

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This was my first session and the benefits I’m feeling are good so far I found the therapist very engaging and really great to talk too I enjoyed the session.

How satisfied were you with our service (out of 5): 5

How likely are you to recommend us to a friend (out of 5): 5

PC of Carronshore Clinical Hypnotherapy on 11th July 2019 January 27, 2020

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Hi Heather

I just wanted to let you know how much you have helped me with my driving. This week I drove to a conference at Dahlmohey Country Club and did not feel stressed about it and took it all in my stride. I even did the stop sign on my way home which made me think of you. Today I drove to Dundee and actually enjoyed it.  I'm still a work in progress and still listen to your recording and I'm in such a better place.

Thanks again

EE of Falkirk Clinical Hypnotherapy on 17th March 2019 March 18, 2019

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Dear Heather,

What can i say WOW. I brought my 9 year old son to you as he was diagnosed with anxiety and OCD. After a couple of sessions i have seen a massive difference in J. He panics less at school and doesn't cry when it comes to doing number work. He rearranges things less and has stopped washing his hands constantly they've managed to clear up, and all bad thoughts from his head are gone. Its like you have waved a magic wand. Jay has become more confident and now has a can do attitude rather than giving up at the first hurdle. His class teachers particularly learning support have seen a massive difference. J will now happily sit and do math's without any worry or anxiety. I cant thank you enough. I would highly recommend you to anyone. You have made my little boy so happy and he says he feels a lot better. He says you are a very nice lady and funny. He wishes all children that have anxiety and OCD would come to you then they will be happy and calm. J continues to listen to his cd every night. Thanks again.

LMc of Armadale 4th September 2018 September 4, 2018

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I have suffered from chronic fatigue for 17yrs, I saw advert for hypnotherapy & thought I would give it a try, so glad I did! Heather is a very friendly lady who put me at ease straight away. I am having much more restful sleeps which helps with my energy levels. Would defo recommend her.

RJ of Reddingmuirhead Clinical Hypnotherapy on 5th December 2017 December 6, 2017

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Hi Heather

I would just like to thank you for all your recent help with my 12 year olds anxiety issue. You made a difference after the very first session allowing him to attend school free from the anxiety he was experiencing and continue with his sport in a relaxed manner. Further sessions reinforced his relaxed mood and we would not hesitate to use your services again.

Thanks again


GMcG of Coatbridge Clinical Hypnotherapy on 16th November 2017 November 16, 2017

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I thought I'd drop you a message to let you know that I managed to go on the hulk ride twice and the rock n roller coaster! Both rides are ones I have avoided in recent years and along with these, I have managed to go on other rides I hadn't for years!

Thank you for your help! I honestly didn't think I would have been able to do it but I'm glad I did!


MH of Livingston Clinical Hypnotherapy on 3rd July 2017 July 18, 2017

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I was desperate for something other than medication to help with my anxiety. I had been seeing a cognitive behavioural therapist and felt like she had done all she could to help me but I was still very very anxious.

I have had 4 sessions with Heather and can say I'm in a completely different place to when I first came in. I've went from being highly anxious all day everyday to a couple of panic attacks before going to a function which I was able to control and have a great time at the function.

I feel totally different and a lot happier.

R Mck of Maddiston Clinical Hypnotherapy on 5th June 2017 June 5, 2017

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When I first came to see Heather, I was overthinking and stressing over every little thing. Things that didn’t even matter to me. After just 1 visit I had already noticed a change in my self. So did my family and friends. Would definitely recommend to anyone stressing or worrying, come give this a try. It worked for me.

GMcQ of Tullibody Clinical Hypnotherapy on 11 May 2015 May 11, 2015

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Before any session of hypnotherapy my anxiety felt like it was taking over my life. Three sessions later and I feel like a different person and back to being me again. I would definitely recommend.

DH of Falkirk Clinical Hypnotherapy on 2 March 2015 March 2, 2015

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Initially I contacted Heather to try to conquer my fear of heights before going to Las Vegas. I had 3 sessions and was amazed at how I was able to cope with heights. I have since returned to see Heather for coping with stress and anxiety. I don’t think I’ll ever not come for hypnotherapy. I find it so relaxing and keeps me balanced and calm. I’d highly recommend it to anyone.

LL of Edinburgh Clinical Hypnotherapy on 11 December 2014 December 11, 2014

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I came to Heather with a severe phobia of spiders; my life revolved around them. After 3 sessions with Heather my phobia has gone completely and has changed my life for the better. Heather is wonderful.

LF of Falkirk Clinical Hypnotherapy on 5 November 2014 November 5, 2014

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After suffering with anxiety for many years I decided to try hypnotherapy with Heather. After only 3 sessions my anxiety and stress levels were at an all time low and I was confident with the tools I was given to carry on. I would highly recommend Heather and hypnosis for anxiety sufferers.

KMcL of Polmont Clinical Hypnotherapy on 23 September 2014 September 23, 2014

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Attended session to help reduce my fear of flying. First Session was 10 hours before flight. It is the best money I have spend as I was totally relaxed in flight, even through turbulence! It made my holiday so much more enjoyable. Second session now makes me feel like flying is like driving a car!

MH of Fauldhouse Clinical Hypnotherapy on 11 September 2014 September 11, 2014

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Came to Heather with a variety of personal and psychological issues. I was in a very dark place at that time and had negativity and anxiety. I now feel rejuvenated and more confident. My anxiety has gone and my IBS is virtually non-existent.

WB of Falkirk Clinical Hypnotherapy on 19 July 2014 July 19, 2014

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After 10 years of insomnia, I have finally managed to learn to relax and drift into dreams as a result of Heather’s skill and patience.

SR of Linlithgow Clinical Hypnotherapy on 16 June 2014 June 16, 2014

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I first approached Heather about her services after failing a part of my survival training course for working offshore. I had a problem using the breathing apparatus used in the helicopter underwater escape training and I feared that my chances of working offshore had ended before they had even started. After three sessions with Heather her techniques enabled me to overcome my fear of using this breathing apparatus and also helped me cope with the stress and anxiety of having to go back and try the course again. I don’t think I realised how worked up I was about this until after the first session where I walked out feeling like a great weight had been lifted off my shoulders and I had a completely different attitude towards not only the survival course but things in general. The sessions themselves were an amazing experience taking me into a state of relaxation I would never have thought possible. Now thanks to Heather I completed the course with confidence and am now looking forward to a new and exciting career in the offshore energy industry. This itself is testament to the diversity of Heather’s skills and hopefully convinces people to contact Heather for help with things they might have thought no one could help with. My family and I would just like to thank Heather once again for her help.

CG of Falkirk Clinical Hypnotherapy on 13 Apr 2014 April 13, 2014

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This review will be too short to put into words what Hypnotherapy can do for you, I went along to see Heather as I have been suffering from being anxious, nervous etc. and have lived with this for over 20 years, my kids are getting older and not needing mummy as much so I found that it was time for me to try something different and get rid of this feeling forever. I am not an easy person to relax but found Heather very calming and making you at ease, did not think it would work but WOW it so does if you are reading this you must make that phone call to HMH Therapy. Thank you Heather x

JM of Falkirk Clinical Hypnotherapy on 31 October 2012 October 31, 2012

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When I first came to HMH Therapy I was feeling really low and not myself but after several months of consultations I am feeling a lot better and have benefited from the excellent service and experience from HMH Therapy. Thanks for everything.

FR of Falkirk Clinical Hypnotherapy on 09 July 2012 July 9, 2012

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I had real anxiety issues and with 3 sessions with Heather I felt 100% better. The therapy really helps. Heather is so understanding and kind and I have gotten my life back on track, free from anxiety. I would totally recommend this service.

AT of Linlithgow Clinical Hypnotherapy on 6 June 2012 June 6, 2012